Collectively known as the Highlanders, Robbie McAllister and his co
usin Rory have made quite an impression since coming to Raw. After two consecutive wins, the duo challenged the Spirit Squad for their World Tag Team Championship. Even though the Squad was able to use their strength in numbers to defeat the Scots, Robbie and Rory's tenacity did not go unnoticed. Can the new tag team keep up their eager pace?
WWE Superstar Robbie McAllister The Highlanders have come to America to compete on Raw. Originally hailing from the Scottish Highlands, Rory & Robbie came to the land of opportunity looking for the chance to shine in the WWE spotlight…but their adjustment period wasn't always easy.
Raw fans got a glimpse of the native Scotsmen in the weeks leading up to their debut, thanks to a series of videos shown on Raw. Each week, the Highlanders were in a different situation that they had never encountered.
Whether it was using foam Statue of Liberty crowns as beard warmers, eating out of the trash in New York City, or discovering the adult entertainment on their hotel television, their adventures as they tried to adapt to American life were somewhat comical.
Finally making their Raw debut on July 3, the Highlanders defeated Rob Conway & Matt Striker after nailing Conway with their signature Scot Drop. The following week, Conway once again fell victim to the move, allowing the Highlanders to score their second consecutive victory.
It goes without saying that every team on Raw looks to compete for and capture the World Tag Team Championship. If they can continue to look as impressive as they have in their first weeks on Raw, it's only a matter of time before Rory & Robbie McAllister get the gold.

WWE Superstar Robbie McAllister The Highlanders have come to America to compete on Raw. Originally hailing from the Scottish Highlands, Rory & Robbie came to the land of opportunity looking for the chance to shine in the WWE spotlight…but their adjustment period wasn't always easy.
Raw fans got a glimpse of the native Scotsmen in the weeks leading up to their debut, thanks to a series of videos shown on Raw. Each week, the Highlanders were in a different situation that they had never encountered.
Whether it was using foam Statue of Liberty crowns as beard warmers, eating out of the trash in New York City, or discovering the adult entertainment on their hotel television, their adventures as they tried to adapt to American life were somewhat comical.
Finally making their Raw debut on July 3, the Highlanders defeated Rob Conway & Matt Striker after nailing Conway with their signature Scot Drop. The following week, Conway once again fell victim to the move, allowing the Highlanders to score their second consecutive victory.
It goes without saying that every team on Raw looks to compete for and capture the World Tag Team Championship. If they can continue to look as impressive as they have in their first weeks on Raw, it's only a matter of time before Rory & Robbie McAllister get the gold.
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